Hi everyone. Happy New Year! I know it has been a long while since you've heard from me. 2024 was an exciting year filled with many transitions and I am still trying to figure out my new routine. Hopefully we can get back to some sense of blogging normalcy and consistency, sooner rather than later.
2024 was the year that forced me to really zone in even more on hearing God. Towards the end of the year as I sought God for His instructions for 2025 I heard two things. I'll address the first thing I heard in this blog: Pursue greater oneness with Me.
This instruction is not strange. In the Bible we are admonished to seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness and everything else we need will be added unto us. The Bible also tells us to seek God with our whole hearts. When we seek God we will find Him. So what does pursuing greater oneness with God look like?
For each person this will be different. Only you know to what degree you are walking in unity with Christ. And no I am not talking about merely setting a goal to read a set number of chapters daily or spend x amount of time in worship. It is more than a routine. It is about becoming indistinguishable from God. Inseparable from God. Just as the Trinity consists of three distinct Persons but They are one, so must we be united with God.
It is not a one size fits all type of process. The principles for pursuing oneness will remain the same for everyone. However the manifestation of that oneness will look differently in differing seasons even for the same person. So this blog is NOT about defining oneness. Neither is it so much about telling you what oneness is supposed to look like. My experience of oneness with God is exactly that. What I can however tell you are things that you can do in your pursuit of oneness. The things I am about to share are not necessarily in chronological order. God will show you what He wants when. If the steps could be prescribed or predicted then they can become wrapped up in the clothes of Christian tradition. Just as you are unique, the expressed manifestation of your oneness will be unique.
So what have I done in my own pursuit? I resumed meditation. That has been the greatest shifting for me. Guided meditation with Justin Paul Abraham or Mike Parsons has been life changing for me in how clearly I am able to hear God. I used to do just breath meditation because I was leery of being guided or opening up myself to the wrong side of the spiritual realm. However, in order to resume meditation, I had to get out of my own head. I had to step outside of traditions and beliefs that no longer served a purpose for the level I began to desire. I had to take the limits off, pull up my anchor and set sail for deep waters. Another thing I had to do was walk away from familiarity and comfort. Be willing to not discard what I know but separate from it so I can know deeper and know anew. I had to remove prayer as a routine item that I checked off my list and instead be open to spontaneous fasting, spontaneous worship, and spontaneous prayer. So yes, I have my routine (pray in the morning and pray at night) but the kingdom principles being worked had to move beyond mere routine. I had to realize that this pursuit will be lifelong. However the intensity of the pursuit will be different in different seasons. But isn't that what was said in Ecclesiastes? That there was a season for everything?
So yes I still pray, I still praise, I still read my Bible, I still watch sermons. However, it is has taken on a new meaning. Sometimes my prayers are simply sitting down and talking to God as if He was on the sofa with me. Sometimes it is deep pouring out of all that is within. Sometimes it is just quiet admiration and gratitude for all that He is. Sometimes when He manifests, my only response is tearful awe.
Surround yourself with people who are also chasing oneness with God. Sometimes the things you experience will have you wondering if you are going crazy. You will feel God's presence tangibly. You will hear His voice audibly. You might see light or feel the warmth and radiance of the sun, although you are inside. You might see angels. You might see heavenly things that you dare not speak of (John did!). And once you begin to experience it you are hooked! I have a new found appreciation for the scripture that says oh taste and see that the Lord is good. Once you begin to experience that level, you don't want to come back from it.
And yes the problems are still there when you come out of meditation. Yes the bills are still yet to be paid. But the more deeply you experience God, the greater your ability to trust. As you prioritize Him, He will sort you out. It doesn't mean you won't have trials. How could you not? We live in a fallen world! However, the best way to exercise the dominion originally given to us in Genesis, is in pursuit of greater oneness. To paraphrase Dunsin Oyekan, when we know God, we also finally know who we really are. You finally begin to tap into heavenly resources for earthly needs and assignments. You stop worrying about what you shall eat or what you shall wear because you know the God with Whom you are one, will give provision. Sometimes He gives strategies to get the provisions. Sometimes you get both. Sometimes you get a destiny helper that carries you through. Why? You understand that you are not your own responsibility. When you are in oneness, you do what you are supposed to do and God does what He is supposed to do.
So, are you going to be intentional this year in your pursuit of God? Will you step away from traditions and customs and open up yourself to the uncontainable splendour of God? Will you allow God, in this life, to so fully dwell in you, so that your very countenance radiates His glory? Are you ready to experience the mystical, hidden secrets of God?