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Jireh always has a “ram in the thicket”

Writer's picture: Gaye-Leon WilliamsGaye-Leon Williams

Most days I have radical faith. I believe God will do just about anything and meet every basic need and desire that I have. Lately, I have been submitting more and more to His timing, whether that timing is very quick or very slow. It is not always the case, but having kicked against the prick one time too many, I have learned to trust God more. Yes, sometimes I fall back into old habits but as I spend more time in surrender to God, the more I can trust Him because He reveals Himself to me more and more.

Today, I went to refill my water bottles and I cannot carry those big blue bottles up 2 flights of stairs so I was trusting God to provide a male to do the honours. When I arrived at my apartment parking, the lot was empty. The regular groundskeepers were no where to be found. Nobody had a visitor. Nobody had ordered pizza. I mean, this was early afternoon so most people would have still been at work. However, I knew God was going to come through for me so I was unbothered. I started to take up a few stuff and in my mind I said God I thank You for my ram caught in the thicket. If you know the story of Abraham being asked to sacrifice Isaac then you get the reference.

As I approached the building, I heard a bag rustling. Now, I had surveyed the parking lot and the surroundings prior to coming out of the vehicle and there was ABSOLUTELY no one. It was a ghost town. Nevertheless, as I approached the building, I heard a bag rustling. I looked up only to see a gentleman eating a bun on a balcony. He was working in one of the apartments on the floor above mine. I smiled to myself and greeted my ram caught in the thicket and asked him to come down and carry up the bottles of water for me. The rest is a predictable history, right?

I have some huge, I mean GINORMOUS expenditures in 2024. And I know in April 2023 I was given a word that it is big but God has already paid for it…I didn’t know what the it was and I am still not sure as I have a few “its” that are big, but Abba has paid for them all. I felt like in this moment, where I believed God with all my heart that He would provide someone to carry up my water bottles, that He acted on my faith because I didn’t doubt. I felt that He was reminding me, believe with all your heart daughter that I will take care of everything else that is going to come in 2024 and beyond. As He would have spoken to me and through me on the last day of 2023, He is my Shepherd, I have all that I need.

Sometimes we believe but because we don’t see anything coming to fruition we doubt that God is working. Because we cannot see any signs of life, we think the thing is dead. We think it won’t happen. Some things will come from unexpected places. Some things will come to fruition suddenly. As I said the other day, it might come wrapped up as the one thing you don’t thing is God’s best. God cares about everything that matters to us.

Another part of my coming home today was it was so overcast and I was like Abba, now I just did my hair and stuff, and this pixie cannot get wet. I kid you not, the rain didn’t start until I got in the vehicle. On my way home, in addition to the ram being caught in the thicket that I needed, I was like now Abba, You know I can’t be making trips in the rain to carry up these bags. It drizzled all the way home. When I drove on to the complex it was still raining. When I got to where I live on the compound, the sun was so hot, I almost had to ask Abba to cool it off a bit because I was going to sweat my hair out! And I am sure by now you are probably laughing but as our Father, He cares!

So, you and I have big dreams. Big goals. Big aspirations. If they are God-given, they are God-paid for already. Let us continue to just believe God with our whole hearts and seek Him above everything else. Let us not be moved by what we see or hear but take those things into His presence and pray the word over our circumstances, situations, desires, uncertainties and everything else. Let us continue to demonstrate our faith through our planning and allow God to establish those plans. When we have His mindset then our plans will align with His revealed will. Let us just focus on God and remain unwavering in our faith and let us watch Him work. Remember because He is Jireh, our Provider, He will always have a ram in the thicket waiting. We just have to be willing to give Him back, what He has given to us.

This is our first blog of 2024! We switched it up and decided to do last Friday blogs, instead of first Fridays.

Happy New Year to all of you! May this year bring us closer to God firstly and may we all experience true love. May we experience godly love that shifts us further into our kingdom purpose. May this year bring kingdom partnerships in the various arenas of our lives so that together we can change souls and usher them into sonship with Christ. Ultimately, that is what really matters. So cheers to a year of growing roots in Christ and becoming so sure of who we are in Him that we no longer cower in fear. May we be delivered from people, the spirit of offence and from ourselves. May we grow in grace and may we see and experience God in ways never thought imaginable.

Yes, we still end with questions.

Will you stop doubting and just believe God period? What are those big ticket items that a part of you is so afraid that they won’t happen? Can you yield fully to God’s timing and remain in faith?


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