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Manifestation: How this blog came into existence

Writer's picture: Gaye-Leon WilliamsGaye-Leon Williams

As a daughter of God who has decided to stop running away from my purpose and my calling, it should not be strange that in this season, God has been speaking very audibly…and increasingly so. Last week, during my morning devotions, on three different days I heard one word “writer”. So the third time when I heard it, I knew it was time to talk to my Abba about it.

I live in a very rural area where the air is still clean and the morning is still crisp enough to walk (that and I need to loose weight…but that is for another post). Last week Thursday on my 3K walk/run, I decided it was time to talk. What do You mean God? I am not a writer! I am not an author either. Wait! What is the difference between a writer and an author anyway? Yes I did look that up! The protest continued, God I write on my Whatsapp status what you lay on my heart, isn’t that good enough? I am sure I am reaching people! They message me and tell me all the time. And yes I write academically, I am a researcher of sorts. What most people don’t realise is that I am my harshest critic. I used to want to be famous, but now? I want to hide! I am content to be behind the scenes!

So, for those who follow me on Instagram or have my Whatsapp number, that is why I did the poll. Should I start a blog? What should I call it? Where should I publish it? I even had the whole, “not that I take cues from social media” disclaimer, because I knew what was required of me. I was so nervous!! I prayed about it some more, but the more I prayed about it, the more convinced I became that it was time to do it. What I didn’t know was how quickly God would fast forward it.

At some point last week God spoke to me about manifestation; and, if you have me on Whatsapp you’ve already seen what I am about to write here again. In this season a lot of us are declaring manifestation. However, most of us are declaring what God will manifest FOR us and not what He can manifest THROUGH us in this season. As soon as I decided yes I would do the blog, the accuser of the brethren came with two things: why I wasn’t qualified and that I should delay working on it because I am too busy.

It does not matter what your past is, or had in it. Neither does it matter your natural qualifications. If God commissioned you to do something, He has already equipped you to do it. Oftentimes the devil kills our purpose with necessary busyness. Of course you have to work, exercise, eat right, generate multiple streams of income and yes! Sleep, beautiful sleep that seems to evade me more often than I’d like to admit. I am not saying that you should not pursue those things. What I am saying is, start your day off right. Start with a session with your Omniscient Advisor. Trust me it makes all the difference.

So last week Saturday, I did the unthinkable, at least for me. After turning off my computer saying I was done for the day an hour later I went back. I signed up for a WordPress account and I wrote two posts. Just after midnight, I published them. The response has been overwhelming: persons were moved and I, in tears, thanked God that I stepped out of my comfort zone and allowed Him to manifest through me.

As is customary, I’ll end with a question. Well, a series of them…What is God trying to manifest through you? Is it a new blog? A new business? A new career choice? A new invention? – one of my spiritual mentors asked God about how she should contribute to the Covid fight and He gave her a new face sanitizer spray (check it out at @california876beauty on instagram)!

The world is depending on you being a conduit of greatness. What are you afraid of? How many people will remain undelivered and for how long, while they await God’s manifestation through you?


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