Cue the Tony Toni Tone because April 30, 2021 will make exactly one year since I made this site public! Yassss, it’s our anniversary!!! I had no idea it would get this big. I am grateful to God for allowing me into your minds to impact you in a positive way. The blog couldn’t have gotten this big without all of you who read, share, like, re-read, repost, comment and follow. Thank you all for the support over our first year of existence. This is the 30th blog post can you believe it? Although I have been blogging less and less, so much has happened and continues to happen. For those who don’t follow me otherwise, here are my social media handles so that you never miss a beat: twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn.
I know some of you would love to see me blog more often. I really wish I could. However, I am committed to doing at least one full length blog each month. In the meantime, you can still get a mini dose of inspiration Mondays to Fridays via our Cerebral Massage snippets. This is shared as a photo via WhatsApp, Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn. I am very behind on the translations but several of the blogs have been translated into Spanish. We also launched our merchandise! We have a yearly planner, water bottle, polo shirts, t-shirts and acrylic signs. The shirts and acrylic signs can be personalized with your favourite quotes either from a blog or from a snippet. We have some other things in the making for the second year but you will just have to wait and see.
What about our anniversary month celebrations? I thought you’d never ask! LOL. Well, for starters we have a sale ongoing for this month on all our large planners that remain. So for the price of a small planner you can get a large one. That is a discount of $5000 Jamaican dollars. We also have a video competition! Yes! We want to hear from you! Post a video (on Instagram) of about one minute explaining how Cerebral Massage has impacted you over the past months. Tag me in the caption, I will repost and the video with the most likes will win. Last day to post is April 26. Each Friday we have a Cerebral Massage Fact Friday which shares interesting statistics about the blog. Did you know this blog has been read in 39 countries?! Amazing, right?! Yeah! I am excited too (did you see your country’s flag in the photo?). Lastly, on Thursday, April 29, 2021 we will have our first live on Instagram. Yes! You have seen my photo, and you have read my writings but on this live, you will get to hear and see me at the same time. You can ask lots of interesting questions about the blog or get the chance to join the live and share what Cerebral Massage means to you. Exciting and fun times in our anniversary month! In this live we will also announce our winner from the video competition…the prizes are a large planner and a $5000 stock certificate to start (or continue) investing on the Jamaican Stock Exchange.
So today’s blog was probably not “inspirational” to you all; but it gives me great pleasure to write and tell you thank you! Without the readership the blog cannot continue. So as we embark on another year of wonderful writing, reading and whatever else the Lord has in store for us, I have a question or few.
Will you continue to read Cerebral Massage? What is your favourite quote or blog? What would you like to see us do differently, or in addition, during our second year?